Trains on the Kwun Tong, Tsuen Wan and Island lines now operate at five-minute intervals.
The discounted fare of $6 is a 70-cent reduction on the normal fare of $6.70 and will last for 2 months.???
第五卡车厢the fifth carriage
通用储值票common stored-value tickets
通宵巴士overnight bus
通勤列车commuter train
单程车票single/single ticket/single-journey tickets
愉景湾航运Discovery Bay Transportation Services
港九小轮Hong Kong & Kowloon Ferry (HKKF)
港澳码头Macau Ferry Terminal
港穗直通巴士服务Guangzhou-Hongkong express coach service
A new chapter of ferry services started at midnight last night.
绝对对我们的计划没有偏见would definitely not have any prejudice against our project???
乡郊路线rural route
搭上荃湾线的尾班车回家boarded the last train on the Tsuen Wan line home
新世界第一巴士服务有限公司New World First Bus Services Ltd.
The expanded network will also increase the railway's share of the public transport system from 31 to 43 per cent by 2016.???
The MTRC's heavy reliance on the granting of land for property development has proved unsustainable as a result of the economic downturn.
经罗湖过境的旅客Lowu-bound passengers
装上八达通收费机installing the Octopus car payment system
预期初期搭客量为每日十万人次forecast initial daily traffic of about 100,000 people
Fares were last raised in April 1997.
磁浮列车/磁浮火车magnetic-levitation train
磁悬浮列车maglev train
绿色专线小巴green minibuses
轻铁Light Rail
撬开车门prised the doors apart
机场快线Airport Express
Services on the MTR Airport Express were strengthened while Hongkong Tramways and the Peak Tram extended services into early morning.
错过往南丫岛的尾班船missed the last ferry to Lamma
头部被地铁列车车门夹着whose head became trapped by closing MTR doors
龙运巴士有限公司Long Win Bus Co. Ltd.
应付越来越大的过境旅客流量meeting the needs of growing cross-border traffic
挤进车厢squeeze into the compartment
获发港岛区(巴士)专利权being granted a franchise licence for Hong Kong Island
繁忙时间the rush hour/peak-hours
The peak-hour frequency will remain the same, with trains arriving every two minutes.???
韩国制列车Korean-made train
转乘优惠transit concessions (discounts when travellers change from one form of transport to another)
离岛线outlying island routes
离境乘客departing passengers
双层巴士double-decker bus
Peak Tram services will be extended to 2am on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Year's Eve.
(加价)令乘客却步scare off passengers
(的士)接过境生意conduct cross-border runs
大屿山的士Lantau taxi
市区的士urban taxi
石油气的士LPG taxi
西北区的士司机从业员总会The Northwest Area Taxi Drivers & Operators Association
完成夜更finish a night shift
的士司机taxi driver
的士同业联会Taxi Operators Association
的士站taxi rank/cab stand(AmE)
的士牌照taxi licence
的士落客站dropping-off points
The Government should allow drivers to double meter fares once the No 8 signal has been hoisted.
To help taxi drivers survive the pneumonia outbreak, the Transport Department announced on Thursday it would relax stopping restrictions from next Thursday for three months.
计划加价,加幅达百分之二十proposes a fare rise of up to 20 per cent
香港九龙的士货车商会Hong Kong Kowloon Taxi and Lorry Owners' Association
柴油的士diesel taxi
起表收费flagfall charge
得到的士司机广泛支持received broad support from the taxi industry
新界的士New Territories taxi
跳表收费incremental charge
电召的士phone for a taxi/call a taxi
电召费radio call surcharge
截的士flag a taxi/hail a taxi
Speed limits on 12 roads have been eased.
不通过呼吸测试failing a breath test
Drivers who accumulate 15 or more demerits in two years can lose their licences for up to three months.
未能通过酒精测试failed a breathalyser test
未能进行酒精测试failed to give a breath test
由超速十五公里以下不扣分改为超速十公里以下不扣分lowering the no-penalty threshold from 15 km/h to 10
交通违例定额罚款fixed penalty tickets for traffic offences
交通警察traffic police
Failure to provide a breath specimen without a reasonable excuse can result in three years' imprisonment and a driving ban of two years, the same for drink-driving.
因醉酒驾驶而被捕was arrested for drink-driving
安全带seat belt
收紧超速驾驶扣分制度建议the proposed revision in the demerit points system
免提装置hands-free device
取得黄宏发呼气酒精样本obtain a sample of Mr Wong's breath
Any illegally parked vehicles would be towed away.
Plans to combat speeding by imposing harsher punishment have drawn opposition from the commercial sector.
At the moment, red-light jumping results in three demerit points.
被裁定鲁莽驾驶罪成was convicted of reckless driving
提出一个执法较松的选择put forward a less-stringent option
超速breach the speed limits
超速一至十公里exceeds the limit by 1 to 10 km/h
超速十五公里in excess of 15 km/h more than the limit
超速驾驶speeding (u); Liz was found guilty of speeding and fined $400./The police caught him speeding.
违反交通规则flout the rules of the road
对驾车者进行酒精测试breathalyse; the driver was breathalysed
The number underplayed the situation.
冲红灯sped through a red light/jumped a red light
冲灯jumped lights
The number of drink-driving cases has been rising.
驾驶时昏昏欲睡experiencing drowsiness while driving
遵守交通规则observe traffic laws
Mr So said PCCW could resume dividend payments in the medium term, but he refused to give a specific time frame.
The police constantly check for overloading.
1970年代的石油危机the 1970s oil shock
一款高科技、更省油的小引擎a high-tech, more fuel efficient small engine
大庆油田Daqing oilfield
Japan consumed less oil in 2003 than it did in 1993.
未来的能源策略their future energy strategies
Because fuel now accounts for more than a quarter of operating costs, airlines are particularly vulnerable to rising oil prices.
石油一向自给自足had been self-sufficient in oil
石油公司oil companies
石油出口国组织Organization for Petroleum Exporting Countries(OPEC)
石油生产国/产油国oil-producing countries
石油政策oil policy
石油气liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
The prices of petroleum products have soared.
Opec agreed yesterday to raise output by two million barrels a day.
有石油危机have an oil-security problem
含铅汽油leaded petrol
完全不用石油dispenses with oil altogether
汽油动力车gasoline-powered cars
All franchised buses have already switched to ultra-low sulphur diesel.
油田oil wells
油站filling stations/oil stations
油价oil prices
Oil prices have passed $50 a barrel.
Asia is particularly vulnerable to the impact of high oil prices.
Taxi drivers say that using rapeseed oil in their vehicles saves them about $100 a shift compared with official fuel.
芥花籽油rapeseed oil
非法汽油illegal diesel oil
Russia ships 3 million bbl a day to other countries, including the U.S.
The government has decided to extend the duty concession for ultra-low-sulfur diesel until December next year in an attempt to ease the burden of soaring oil prices on the transport industry.
If oil prices remain above $30 per barrel, growth rates will inevitably be hit.
原油价格crude oil prices
Energy experts predict that oil is unlikely to fall to less than $30 per barrel.
将石油消耗量减少17% cut oil consumption 17%
弃用柴油小巴,改用石油气小巴scrap their diesel-powered vehicles in favour of LPG-powered ones
氢燃料电池车hydrogen-fuel-cell-powered cars
提升能源效益increase energy efficiency
无铅汽油unleaded petrol
超低硫柴油ultra-low-sulphur diesel
开发西伯利亚油田develop a Siberian oilfield
黑市柴油black-market diesel
经营非法油站ran illicit diesel oil filling stations
运油货车an oil tanker
检走一万升怀疑非法燃油seized about 10,000 litres of oil suspected of being illegal
检查十五个油站的芥花籽油mounted checks yesterday on 15 rapeseed oil stations in Tsuen Wan
大老山隧道Tate's Cairn Tunnel
大榄隧道Tai Lam Tunnel
西区海底隧道Western Harbour Crossing
东区海底隧道Eastern Harbour Crossing
长青隧道Cheung Tsing Tunnel
城门隧道Shing Mun Tunnel
香港仔隧道Aberdeen Tunnel
海底隧道Cross Harbour Tunnel
将军澳隧道Tseung Kwan O Tunnel
狮子山隧道Lion Rock Tunnel
机场隧道Airport Tunnel
大老山公路Tate's Cairn Highway
大埔公路Tai Po Road
元朗公路Yuen Long Highway
屯门公路Tuen Mun Road
北大屿山公路North Lantau Highway
汀九桥Ting Kau Bridge
吐露港公路Tolo Highway
西九龙快速公路West Kowloon Expressway
西九龙走廊West Kowloon Corridor
西沙路Sai Sha Road
西贡公路Hirams Highway
沙田路Sha Tin Road
沙头角公路Sha Tau Kok Road
东九龙走廊East Kowloon Corridor
东区走廊Island Eastern Corridor
林锦公路Lam Kam Road